
Trefl SA is the biggest company that manufactures puzzles and games in the CEE region and one of the biggest manufacturers in the entire Europe. Trefl SA is a fa­mi­ly com­pa­ny. Sin­ce fo­un­ded in 1985, the com­pa­ny con­si­sten­tly bu­ilds the po­si­tion and con­stan­tly expands its of­fer and pro­duc­tion ca­pa­bi­li­ties.

We ma­nu­fac­tu­re over 20 million puzzles and games yearly and pu­blish hundreds of new titles every year. We of­fer them to cu­sto­mers in 50 countries.

We­’ve been suc­cess­ful­ly of­fe­ring our fac­to­ry­’s se­rvi­ces to cu­sto­mers in the B2B mo­del for years. We work with over 50 game and puz­zle pu­bli­shers all over Eu­ro­pe, of­fe­ring them our expe­rien­ce in the pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment pro­cess. What we con­tri­bu­te to the de­ve­lop­ment of our part­ners is the tech­ni­cal opti­mi­sa­tion of pro­jects, the de­sign and ma­nu­fac­tu­re of the to­ols and ef­fec­ti­ve pro­duc­tion pro­cess that gu­aran­te­es the expec­ted qu­ali­ty whi­le ma­in­ta­ining a pro­per cost struc­tu­re.

Our em­ploy­ees’ expe­rien­ces and tech­ni­cal ca­pa­bi­li­ties be­ca­me a fo­un­da­tion for the Trefl FACTORY brand. We wo­uld like it to be­co­me as­so­cia­ted with co­ope­ra­tion and the exchan­ge of expe­rien­ce aimed at co-de­ve­lop­ment and suc­cess. Our de­si­gners, en­gi­ne­ers and as­sem­bly-line fac­to­ry wor­kers are re­ady to face the­ir next chal­len­ges.

You are welcome to cooperate with us!

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